I am excited to be going to my first Woolstock which will be taking place on Saturday, October 16, 2021 from 9am to 5pm at the Paris Fairgrounds. https://fleecefestival.com/ I am particularly looking forward to seeing the adorable angora rabbits 🐇 (livestock not pets - why can't they be both!), sheep 🐑 and llamas 🦙 (in c…
Read moreHere are some of the books that I use for reference and inspiration Dye Plants of Ontario Being from Ontario, this book caught my eye I purchased mine from the Fibre Garden https://www.fibregarden.ca/product/spectrum-dye-plants-of-ontario/
Read moreThis article in SpinOff magazine looks at how people in Ghana are making thread from mulberry ( Broussonetia papyrifera ), an invasive plant in the region. https://spinoffmagazine.com/spinning-paper-thread-in-ghana/
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